personal training Tag

Paul Meldrum stops by the Fitness Business Podcast to drop a few powerful tips on how to become the best possible trainer for your clients' wants and needs. Getting your clients to use a food journal is vital, and learning how to approach your training depending on your clients level is a great place to start. Stop what you are...

Welcome to the first of four episodes that unleash what each generation is looking for in a fitness facility, according to Murphy Research. Join Dr. Sarah Marion as she gives us the rundown on each generation, starting with Generation Z. The findings are quite interesting and will definitely help you market and design your programs to tailor to each generation's...

Did you know that 80% of people paying for fitness are Millennials or Gen Zers, since the pandemic more people are aware and interested in their health and that Live fitness is still the preferred method of workouts but it’s supported heavily by digital. Where did I find these pieces of information. These tidbits plus a whole lot more information...

Today I sit down with John Caliri from FirstHealth of the Carolinas. John has received numerous awards and recognition, including the Medical Fitness Association Director of the Year Award, the Don Schneider Award and most recently, the 2017 Hank Boerner Pioneer Award for significant contributions to the advancement of the industry....

Looking for a way to set yourself apart from your fellow personal trainers? Carl Smith is here to give you tips and ideas to help you to differentiate yourself from the competition and to showcase yourself in a unique way to the members. Carl's first tip is to separate yourself on the gym floor by walking around with intent and...



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