Club Operations

As we wrap up our Generations in the Gym series, Dr. Sarah Marion is here for our final segment on the Baby Boomers.  Dr. Marion shares some insights on what baby boomers are looking for in a fitness program, and how to best reach them. Learn tips for attracting boomers into fitness facilities that will help make the gym more...

Join Sarah Pellegrino as she speaks with Ken Reinig and Rick Mayo about liabilities in the fitness industry today, ways in which Reinig Risk Management can help protect your fitness business and train your staff, and recommendations on how to best manage your fitness business in 2023! ...

Next up is Generation X! This episode is designed to help you strategize your 2023 budget to attract Gen X to your club. This generation has the money for a membership, but time is a barrier. Convenience is top of their list when considering joining a gym. Find out what else is important to this generation when it comes to...

Let's talk Group Fitness! In this episode, Vanessa Leone covers group fitness topics such as programming, using group fitness to promote small group training, the importance of a great experience for retention, and introducing an instructor assessment to your group fitness team. Vanessa does a wonderful job at capturing a fresh, updated vision of group fitness. Take a listen and...



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