
Did you know that 80% of people paying for fitness are Millennials or Gen Zers, since the pandemic more people are aware and interested in their health and that Live fitness is still the preferred method of workouts but it’s supported heavily by digital. Where did I find these pieces of information. These tidbits plus a whole lot more information...

There are a lot of misconceptions about what it takes to run a successful online business…to say that it’s easy is an understatement and even experienced business owners often underestimate the time, energy and skill it takes to really succeed online. That’s why we here at the Fitness Business Podcast invited Gareth and Nicky Nock to discuss the life and...

Whether you're leading a team for the first time, or if you have years of experience, there's information in today's episode that will benefit all business owners and team leaders. Listen in as Martin Rooney shares valuable and easy to follow tips on key aspects of business leadership and how to build a great culture in your club. ...

Do you think you have what it takes to be a podcast guest? Brittney Lynn talks about the importance of pitching yourself to expand your brand and to help market yourself as a top expert in the fitness industry. Staying persistent and consistent is key and make sure when the opportunity present itself, come ready, prepared and confident!...

If you are an advocate of fitness and health care joining forces then today’s episode presented by the Fitness Business Podcast is a "must listen to" episode. Michael discusses the importance of fitness industry professionals creating trust with health care professionals. Michael believes that if there is no trust, then there will be no interaction and therefore, no collaboration. Take...

It's a new year and it is no better time to refresh how you market your club. Ryan will take us through the "food pyramid" of marketing videos starting with the anchor video being your base. Ryan explains the importance of each video and the content that each video should contain. This episode is quite informative and super important for...



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