I am a 38 year old, wife, girl mom, and athlete. Teaching is my strength and one of my strongest ways to contribute to the world. – Sunshinekelly Moore
Sunshinekelly Moore is the founder and CEO of FIT TECH. To be a great teacher is to be a great coach, which Sunshine has been in various capacities for many years. Her super power is breaking down complex subjective matter into bite-sized pieces. She also delivers it in a way that triggers you to take action with the information. Sunshinekelly Moore has a wealth of knowledge, and the credentials to back it up. She also created a signature course, “How to Successfully Launch Your Virtual Studio.”
THE Hub for Virtual Fitness Instructors
FIT TECH arms the Virtual Fitness Professional with technology related tools and strategies. They provide everything you need to launch and develop your virtual fitness businesses. She provides a step-by-step process to move quickly in this ever-changing environment. She provides technology and equipment solutions, as well as sales and marketing strategies.
Keeping your virtual fitness studio updated for success
During COVID, Personal Trainers and Group Instructors flocked to virtual fitness studios. They were driven to navigate the waters to build an online platform for their faithful clients. Two years later, and the fitness environment is still changing. Learn how to keep your virtual fitness studio fresh and updated for success.
what you’ll learn
Launching a virtual fitness studio involves the tech, marketing, sales, delivery and ‘on demand’ component. Learn:
How to determine if you have a viable market for a virtual studio.
What return on investment can you expect? And over what period?
What tech do you need to launch your own virtual studio?
What is the rough budget you would need?
Can this be duplicated inside a health club?
What do you use to re-purpose the content?
How do you price virtual studio memberships?
What marketing drives online sales?
How do you enhance your studio once you have it up and running?
BEFORE you start, set yourself up by downloading and answering these THREE questions, in writing FIRST. Then submit the answers to Sunshine Moore, via DM, @fittechuniversity to receive REAL feedback!
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