In today's episode, Emma discusses the future of boutique fitness and the direction it will be heading in 2021. Emma also talks about all things group fitness and how the "modern day" instructor will need to polish their story telling skills and ooze charisma. "We are together, but we are alone" says Emma, and journeying into 2021 is going to...

In today's episode, Rachel talks all things legal for going into 2021. As a fitness business owner, are your membership waivers up to date? Now that much of your business is virtual, how do the liability laws change? What about posting pictures and videos of your members onto your social media platforms, so you need consent? Rachel answers all of...

Viveka von Rosen is Cofounder of Vengreso, the largest provider of full spectrum Modern Digital Sales transformation solutions. Known as the @LinkedInExpert, she’s author of the best-selling "LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day" AND "LinkedIn: 101 Ways to Rock Your Personal Brand!”. ...

It doesn’t get much better than Eric Killian the Fitness CPA sharing his trade secrets with us on how to be financially successful in 2021.The Fitness CPA is here to give you the best advice he can on how to save money and cut costs while keeping your club in the black during these tough times. Take a listen, there...



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