Join host Sarah Pellegrino as she speaks with Joan Gebhart from Creative Surfaces. Joan shares details about her new favorite design trend: recovery spaces! We dive into how you can give your fitness space a refresh on a budget and impactful design changes that will get your members’ attention and positively affect their mental health! ...

Dr. Michelle Segar's episode is about her latest book The Joy Choice: How to Finally Achieve Lasting Changes in Eating and Exercise. The Joy Choice was written to help us understand the brain's self-management system. Michelle poses the question and then answers the question, "Why do our eating and exercise plans so often crash when they come up against real...

Let’s be honest, the fitness industry is saturated and there’s competition around every corner. So how are community members supposed to make this buying decision? Bartlett from Sneeze.It walks us through his marketing concept, Simple Numbers, to help you understand when it comes to spending your marketing dollars well, we need to think less about cost per lead and more...

Did you know that 80% of people paying for fitness are Millennials or Gen Zers, since the pandemic more people are aware and interested in their health and that Live fitness is still the preferred method of workouts but it’s supported heavily by digital. Where did I find these pieces of information. These tidbits plus a whole lot more information...



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