24 Jun 057 Bill McBride – Creation Vs Evolution – What’s Right For Your Fitness Business?

Bill is a health club industry veteran with over 25 years of experience leading and managing all aspects of commercial health clubs, medical fitness centers, residential, community, multi-tenant and corporate fitness sites. He co-founded Active Sports Clubs and Active Wellness, LLC and owns a health club consultancy – BMC3.
Bill has served as Chairman of the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) Board of Directors, President of the Mid-Atlantic Club Management Association (MACMA) and served on the Industry Advisory Board for the American Council of Exercise (ACE). He is actively engaged as an author on industry education, serves on several Advisory Boards and speaks regularly on industry topics throughout the world.
Bill first appeared in show 6 when he talked about what to look for in club managers, purchasing habits of consumers and critical components of a strategic plan. This time we cover a broad range of topics including:
- The rise of the Medical Fitness Centre, what it means, what it looks like and steps to take if you want to enter that space.
- We discuss an article he wrote about creating new programs to follow a fad Vs evolving our traditional offerings and he gives us his thoughts and insights on the topic.
- He gives us tips on hiring and interviewing people for your team.
- And some great advice for managing staff.
Top Tips From The Show
Always be pushing to make sure you are evolving and growing the programs within your club to stay relevant.
When you interview a new candidate, consider the traits the individual already has, do they take initiative, are they adaptable, do they have a positive outlook, are they results oriented and do they have integrity?
When it comes to managing staff if employees don’t feel appreciated, respected and recognised, then you will have higher turn over and less enthusiasm for doing a great job.
Inspirational Quotes From The Experts
How much appreciation and recognition are we giving our team? Bill McBride
Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show
Bill McBride
Bill McBride at the IHRSA Live Studio
Bill McBride Article on Creation Vs Evolution
Lisa Simone Richards
Leisl Klaebe
Show Sponsors
Rex Roundtables
Tribe Team Training
Shows Mentioned
Tim Keightley – Show 25
Michelle Segar – Show 33
Casey Conrad – Show 31
Bill McBride – Show 6
Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge To #STRENGTHEN
[Tweet “You have to be very clear on setting expectations with staff @BillMcBride65”]
[Tweet “Evolve and grow programs within your club to stay relevant @BillMcBride65”]
[Tweet “How much appreciation and recognition are we giving our team? @BillMcBride65 “]
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