489 Increase Your Email Open Rates With Expert Tips From Jay Schwedelson

489 Increase Your Email Open Rates With Expert Tips From Jay Schwedelson

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Jay Schwedelson is the founder of SubjectLine.com, the leading free subject-line rating tool ranked in the top 1% of all websites worldwide. Having led SubjectLine.com through the testing of more than 15 million subject lines, Jay uses his knowledge to guide organizations across multiple industries on how to implement impactful email marketing.

Jay is also the president and CEO of Worldata Group, a multi-brand marketing services company whose portfolio includes SubjectLine.com, Outcome Media and GURU Events, which puts on the GURU conference, the world’s largest email marketing event.

Schwedelson is a recognized marketer who has won the DMCNY Silver Apple, the most prestigious direct-marketing award. His companies execute over 40,000 marketing campaigns annually for many of the world’s most iconic and successful brands.

In addition to his corporate roles, Jay plays a significant role in sharing thought leadership throughout the industry. He has keynoted and presented for more than 50 organizations, and has been named to Crain’s Top 100 Industry Leaders for 10 consecutive years. Jay was recently inducted into the Hall of Fame at his alma mater, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications, in recognition of career excellence.

what you’ll learn

If you’re looking to make sure your email messages are getting opened, join us today on the episode where we have Jay Schwedelson, who will give you key strategies for doing just that! With tips like starting subject lines with a number and using brackets, as well as many more from his free online rating tool SubjectLine.com – this is an opportunity not to miss in unlocking maximum open rates for all your members’ emails.

  • How to Increase Your Email Open Rate
  • What is BIMI?
  • Tips for Crafting an Engaging Email Subject Line
  • Optimizing Email Send Times and From Names
  • Email Marketing Strategies: From Addresses and BIMI
  • The Pros and Cons of Using BIMI for Email Marketing
  • Tips for Crafting Effective Subject Lines in Email Marketing

Connect WITH jay schwedelson

Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | SubjectLine.com

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Cameron Falloon

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