Petra Kolber is the creator of Moving to Happiness. She is a speaker, fitness expert and a happiness coach who has presented at over 300 conventions in 30 countries.
During this weeks show we chat about:
The role that positive psychology plays in the business of fitness
The principals of goal setting and how we can use those principals with our team and our members
How positive psychology has the potential to become a new profit centre in a fitness business
And we talk about how you can ignite happiness in your workplace and Petra gives us 3 top tips for us to implement in our business!
Top Tips From The Show
Positive psychology shifts our focus to everything that is working in our life.
Don’t wait for perfection, have integrity, work with empathy and look back to see how far you’ve come – and that will help you move forward.
Make sure your goals align with your Why and tie your goals into your strength, your passion and your purpose.
Don’t be limited by whats already been done, consider how you can take your passion to create something new.
Inspirational Quotes From The Experts
Happiness is interval training for life! Petra Kolber
Shows Mentioned Michelle Segar – Show 33 Casey Conrad – Show 31 Tim Keightley – Show 25 Bill McBride – Show 6
Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge To #STRENGTHEN
[Tweet “Don’t compare your back story to everyone else’s highlight reel @petrakolber”]
[Tweet “Positive psychology shifts our focus to everything that is working @petrakolber”]
[Tweet “The change starts with us @petrakolber“]
[Tweet “Don’t wait for perfection @petrakolber“]
[Tweet “You can’t connect though perfection @petrakolber“]
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