454 Generations in the Gym Series: Gen Z with Dr. Sarah Marion

454 Generations in the Gym Series: Gen Z with Dr. Sarah Marion

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“Gen Zers are highly educated about health and have received the most education about exercise, diet and mental health.” – Sarah Marion, Ph.D. 

Sarah Marion leads Murphy Research’s syndicated research program. She continuously tracks nutrition and fitness studies, State of Our Health, and the World Value Index, which measures the impact of brand mission and purpose. 

“I’m a cultural anthropologist, a market researcher, and a storyteller. I especially love moving between different types of data and finding the narratives that weave them together, connecting the dots across primary and secondary research, quantitative and qualitative information, trends and headlines. Friends and family will tell you that this bleeds into my free time, where you might find me over-analyzing Bachelor rose ceremonies or asking why you chose a hard seltzer over a hard kombucha. I guess I can’t help it!” 

As a cultural anthropologist, Marion is an expert at connecting the dots between many types of information, from academic research and ethnographic insights to everyday beliefs, behaviors, and objects.  Marion is specialized in health and wellness, food and beverage, CPG, sustainability, the natural and organic market, and shopper insights. 

what you’ll learn

In the first of four episodes, we unleash what each generation is looking for in a fitness facility, according to Murphy Research. Join Dr. Sarah Marion as she gives us the rundown on Generation Z. The findings are interesting and will definitely help you market and design your programs to meet each generation’s wants and needs.

  • Who are the Gen Zs?
  • How do Gen Zs approach health
  • What barriers are there for Gen Zs when it comes to their health?
  • Why don’t Gen Zers join gyms?

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