01 Jul 058 Lisa Simone Richards – How To Get Your Fitness Brand In The Media

Lisa Simone Richards is a publicity expert for fitpros and wellness-preneurs who are dying to see themselves and their businesses featured in magazines, on TV and around the web. As the Principal of PR agency Vitality PR & Communications in Toronto and the creator of Make Media Friends an online PR school for health, fitness and wellness entrepreneurs; she’s here to teach you how to connect with the right media personalities and use the power of publicity to get your brand in the spotlight and attract your perfect clients.
During this show Lisa shares tips on where to start, how often to pitch stories, how to get published and how to get FREE publicity! All that and much more!
Top Tips From The Show
Everybody has a story, the challenge is to come up with an interesting way to tell it.
Capitalise on stories that are already existing – think about seasonal stories around Winter, Summer etc.
Pitch when you have something of value to share.
Always consider how your product or service relates to the audience.
Social Media is a great way to connect to key media contacts like fitness and lifestyle editors.
Inspirational Quotes From The Experts
Everybody has a story, the challenge is to come up with an interesting way to tell it – Lisa Simone Richards
Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show
Lisa Simone Richards
Bill McBride
Show Sponsors
Tribe Team Training
Visual Fitness Planner
Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge To #STRENGTHEN
[Tweet “Everybody has a story @ellerich”]
[Tweet “Death to the press release! @ellerich”]
[Tweet “Nobody cares as much about your business as you do! @ellerich“]
[Tweet “Pitch when you have something of value to share @ellerich“]
[Tweet “Relationships are becoming everything @ellerich“]
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