25 Mar 044 Lexie Griffiths – How To Put The SIZZLE Into Your Fitness Business

Lexie Griffiths staged her first show at the age of six and is still rocking congresses throughout the world with her blend of entertainment and know-how. As an International speaker, coach, author and leader she has been working in the industry for over 40 years and is still loving every minute! Last year she coached leaders and their teams in over 10 countries. She also stages three of her own sold-out fitness events each year featuring teams of top international presenters and shares tips and success stories with you on how to inject the sizzle into your brand to attract and retain both teams and customers!
Lexie also wrote and developed the Reebok Kidz international programme–the only kids programme to be tested by paediatric exercise scientists and still runs an International Summer School each year with her husband.
During this weeks show, Lexie talks about Leadership and Team Culture, she gives tips on developing love within your teams and shares how to increase retention within your fitness business.
Top Tips From The Show
If your business has an amazing brand and culture, then your members will want to come back for more.
One of the best skills a leader can learn is how to coach, NLP is a great example of this.
Authentic leaders are people who are really genuine; they want to develop themselves and their team.
It’s well worth spending a lot of time during the interview process to ensure you are recruiting someone who is in line with you and your values.
When it comes to your team, foster their strengths and show them how to manage their weaknesses.
Inspirational Quotes From The Experts
We are in the PEOPLE business, delivering exercise – Lexie Griffiths
Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show
Lexie Griffiths – The Sizzle Maker
Emotional Intelligence
Active Management – Mystery Shop
Lexie’s Events
Shows Mentioned
Casey Conrad – Show 31
Michelle Segar – Show 33
Sean Bestor – Show 35 and Show 36
Show Sponsor
Active Management – Click here for your FREE e-book download valued at $100!
REX Roundtables

Paul Hooper – Paul’s Body Engineering
Dana Lynn Bailey
Sophie Guidolin
Stephanie Sanzo
Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge To #STRENGTHEN
[Tweet “The “sizzle’ is like electricity, you can feel it, it makes you feel great!” @lexiegriffiths”]
[Tweet “Authentic leaders are people who are really genuine @lexiegriffiths”]
[Tweet “You cannot make people somebody that they are not @lexiegriffiths“]
[Tweet “Great leaders are consistent, supportive, they listen and they develop their team @lexiegriffiths “]
[Tweet “We are in the PEOPLE business delivering exercise @lexiegriffiths”]
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