Show Transcriptions

DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT [0:00:06]  Dori Nugent: What makes us buy the things we do? What triggers the fear of missing out, also known as FOMO. These are real questions that marketing directors in the fitness industry need to ask themselves. And today, our guests, she'll be able to answer them. Stay tuned for an enlightening episode about scarcity marketing here on the...

DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Dori Nugent: The Fitness Business Podcast is back for another year and we have a star studded lineup for 2023. My goal with today's episode is to get everyone selling any type of services or memberships fired up for the new year. We believe here at the fitness business podcast that qualify. Quality education is the pathway to success....

DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Sarah Pellegrino: Welcome to the Value Proposition by the Fitness Business Podcast. I'm your host, Sarah Pellegrino. The Value Proposition is a monthly show on The Fitness Business Podcast, created specifically for industry suppliers to showcase their value that they bring to health club owners and operators beyond their product and service. For our December 2022 show. We'll be...

DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Dori Nugent: You came to the right location to unlock the key to reading not only faster, but smarter. You will be amazed by the simple tips given in today's episode by our industry expert to improve your reading skills. Stay tuned as the Fitness Business Podcast delivers another favorite fantastic educational episode. As I wrap up the year,...

DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Jason Stowell: Hello, FBP family. With us today we welcome Steve Spiro, the host of the LinkedIn live show, the Master Connector. Steve is an inspirational speaker and professional development expert on the topic of growing one's professional network. In today's stinging Head show, Steve shares varying strategies and tactics to help you grow a stronger professional network.Jason Stowell:...



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