This week our guest is Justin Tamsett, the Managing Director of Active Management. He has managed and owned fitness clubs since 1990, and now travels the globe speaking on topics from business skills to work-life balance.
It’s been a few months since our last catch up, so this weeks show is a little bit of a mixed bag. We chat about a marathon, snapchat, email marketing and role play – there is lots of ground to cover!
Top Tips From The Show
Focus on the social media platforms that your clients are on and have the discipline to do that really well.
Learn from different models in the fitness market – but don’t get confused by them. Stick to what you believe is right for your business.
Every email you send to your clients must add value.
If people don’t trust and connect with us, then we have to sell to them – which we want to avoid!
Role play isn’t evil, you can make it fun like a game. Every professional sporting team practices before a game, so we should be no different.
Inspirational Quotes From The Experts
“Every email you send to your clients must add value” – Justin Tamsett
Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge To #STRENGTHEN
[Tweet “Get on the platforms that your clients are on @JTActivemgmt”]
[Tweet “Every email you send to your clients must add value @JTActivemgmt”]
[Tweet “Role play isn’t evil! @JTActivemgmt“]
[Tweet “Make it like a game, and role play can be fun! @JTActivemgmt“]
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