29 May 002 Picking The Brain Of Fitness Industry Legends Brent Darden And Nardia Norman
In this weeks show we hear from Justin Tamsett, Brent Darden, Nardia Norman and Sharon Tousley.

Brent Darden is the President of Brent Darden Consulting, a Chair of REX Roundtables and the former Chairman of IHRSA. He is an exceptional leader and has a wealth of experience in the fitness industry, having been the former owner of Telos Fitness Centre, a multi award winning business. During his interview we explore how to look for and recruit the best team, why tracking and sharing KPI’s and financial performance is key to a successful business and what attributes make a fitness business better.

Our second guest in this episode is one of Australia’s premier personal trainers – Nardia Norman. Nardia was awarded the Australian Fitness Network Personal Trainer of the Year, author of the book Body IQ and now an International Speaker to Personal Trainers. In her interview we quiz her on the best lead sources for Personal Trainers, how to convert prospects to clients and how to run a kick-ass fitness business!

This also marks our first episode with our resident Podcast Marketing expert – Sharon. So if you’re wondering if you should start your own podcast – then Listen Up and tune in to Kick Start Your Podcast with Sharon for her top tips to get you started!
Top Tips From The Show
- When recruiting new staff, get a head start by seeking referrals by current employees – Brent Darden
- Consider introducing an internship program to your business – this gives you insights into their strengths and weaknesses and the intern gets to know your business better – Brent Darden
- Create a purpose driven culture – why, what, philosophy, core vales, mission – and share it with your team – Brent Darden
- Employees at all levels want to learn – not just about their jobs, but about all sorts of topics within the business – they thrive on learning new information – Brent Darden
- Your brand will attract the clientele that you stand for – Nardia Norman
- Give comp sessions! In the comp session aim to understand the persons underlying motivation – Nardia Norman
Inspirational Quotes From The Experts
Brent Darden “When employees are really engaged and care about the company they work for, then they’re going to perform really well, weather the manager or supervisor is watching them or not”
Brent Darden “Sharing key numbers with your team, empowers them to make decisions and understand that their decisions really do matter”
Nardia Norman “every single day, do something that takes you closer to your goals”
Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show
Tweetables – share the expert’s knowledge to #GROW
[Tweet “There’s something quite different from sharing the numbers that mgmt create, to letting employees create #BrentDarden”]
[Tweet “Companies that have a highly engaged workforce perform better in so many ways #BrentDarden”]
[Tweet “Employees that care about the company will perform well regardless if their manager watches them or not #Brent Darden”]
[Tweet “If you sell you haven’t done front end stuff. You haven’t taken time to built rapport & listen @NardiaNorman”]
[Tweet “Never get complacent. Clients I’ve had for the past 6 years, I treat like they’re new @NardiaNorman”]
[Tweet “Over deliver on value. We’re a service & a relationship industry. So over deliver on service. It speaks volumes @NardiaNorman”]
[Tweet “Every single day, do something that takes you closer to your goals @NardiaNorman”]
[Tweet “One of the biggest things I’ve learnt is to trust my own instinct @NardiaNorman”]
Share Your Thoughts
Tell us your #1 Takeaway from this show or what success you have had from implementing an idea you heard here! You could win a 3 minute interview on the Fitness Business Podcast!