22 Apr 048 Justin Tamsett – What a SIP Has to Do with Your Fitness Business and Why You Should Consider a Party for One

Justin Tamsett is the Managing Director of Active Management. He has managed and owned fitness clubs since 1990, and now travels the globe speaking on topics from business skills to work-life balance.
During this show JT updates us on his visits to some US gyms, he tells us all about SIP’s and we chat about how consumers have changed the qualities they look for in the brands that they support.
Also in this weeks show we hear from one of our wonderful listeners, and we announce the winner of our April prize – Jeb Blounts book, People Buy You.
Top Tips From The Show
When you run a competition, you need to ensure everyone has a fair chance of winning.
Consumers now want to support brands that are kind to their staff – which means make meaningful positive changes to your internal culture and then tell the world about it.
Party for 1 – Be aware of what consumers want, be careful not to push them into something that we want (eg: small group training) – maybe they don’t want to share!
Inspirational Quotes From The Experts
“Consumers tend to support brands kind to the environment. Now they support brands kind to their staff” Justin Tamsett
Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show
Justin Tamsett
Show Sponsor
Active Management
REX Roundtables
Listener Interview with Lisa Mills

Shows Mentioned
Michelle Segar – Show 33
Tim Keightley – Show 25
Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge To #STRENGTHEN
[Tweet “Nothing special about the ‘box’ but the people of Crossfit form the community @JTActivemgmt”]
[Tweet “When you run any competition, you need to make it so everyone has a chance of winning @JTActivemgmt”]
[Tweet “Socially important people (SIPs) drive economy more than very important people (VIPs) @JTActivemgmt“]
[Tweet “@JayBaer said at #IHRSA2016 we need to provide ‘talk triggers’ @JTActivemgmt”]
[Tweet “Consumers seek fun & play, if not tailored to them can at least be enjoyed on their terms @JTActivemgmt”]
Share Your Thoughts
Tell us your #1 Takeaway from this show or what success you have had from implementing an idea you heard here! Comment below and you could win a 3 minute interview on the Fitness Business Podcast!