20 Sep 126 Jennifer Gluckow: Reframe Your Mindset after Rejection in Fitness Sales
Jennifer Gluckow has northeastern smarts and New York City savvy – a rare combination that has her positioned as the next big thing in sales. Okay, she’s not ALL New York. She’s traveled the world, educated in the Midwest at The Olin School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis, and spoken to audiences from coast to coast.
Jennifer’s a speaker, trainer, writer, blogger, Facebooker, Instagrammer, Tweeter, podcaster and YouTuber. She is online and on the money. Drive, persistence, and winning through a desire to serve, have made Jennifer Gluckow an example of how to “make it” in New York, and her mission is to teach you how to make it anywhere.
What you’ll learn
- A winning strategy for getting customers and building clients
- How to handle losing a sale
- Advice for women pursuing your career goals
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[Tweet “The key is bouncing back from the rejection immediately – Jennifer Gluckow”]
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