111 Greg Cassar Pay Per Click and Facebook Marketing for Fitness Professionals

111 Greg Cassar Pay Per Click and Facebook Marketing for Fitness Professionals

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Greg Cassar is Australia’s Leading Digital Marketing Profit Strategist & Coach. He has worked with over 300 businesses as an agency & a coach to help them grow as much as 10x in a year. Having performed over 400 split tests and managed over $6m in clicks, Greg has driven over 1.8m leads for his clients and his own businesses.  As a result of spending over $200k on his own education Greg has modeled & perfected the best techniques from around the world for converting leads into customers & ascending them through the sales cycle with a real focus on Customer Value Optimization (CVO).

Greg believes that sales & marketing will only take businesses so far, then a real focus on Financial IQ is required to drive profit and ultimately more cash for business owners. This mindset has proven very successful with a large series of success of engineering more profit and cash in businesses than the owners previously thought possible.

What you’ll learn


  • Steps to getting started with Pay Per Click advertising
  • How to use Google Ad Words Express
  • Tips for Facebook advertising
  • How you can use pixels to build your list for retargeting

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Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show


Greg Cassar The Collective 
Precor Quick Fire Five with Trina Gray
Recommended by Trina Gray Robin Sharma

Industry Events 


Fitness BizBrunch
Club Industry Show
NorCal Fitness Summit

Show Sponsors


One Fit Stop

Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge


[Tweet “If you focus on conversion first, you will get a better result  @GregCassar“]

[Tweet “Re-marketing will give you the best bang for your buck @GregCassar“]

[Tweet “You need the right message, for the right person, at the right time @GregCassar“]



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