05 Jun 003 Dr Paul Bedford – Key Insights From The Retention Guru

In this show, we interview The Retention Guru, Dr Paul Bedford. With over 20 years experience working in the fitness industry, Paul is one of the global fitness industry’s leading authorities on retention, attrition and member experience management.
During our chat we ask him about the most surprising revelation he has come across when it comes to retaining members, and has he observed any correlation between group exercise & retention and PT & retention. Finally, you will be amazed when he shares his top 3 strategies to build member retention.
Top Tips From The Show
- People over the age of 35 behave significantly differently to the people under the age of 35. Over 35’s are much more routine, Under 35’s are more adhoc – Dr Paul Bedford
- If you want to appeal to over 35’s, then gym owners need to start thinking about how can we provide high intensity training in different formats that will accommodate the broadest range of customers – not just a small group of really fit members – Dr Paul Bedford
- People who do group exercise stay longer because of the routine and the habit, then the fact that its group – Dr Paul Bedford
- Always introduce new group fitness members to meet staff team members when they first start at your gym – Dr Paul Bedford
- We need to sign post new members to the things that are most relevant to them in the gym environment – – Dr Paul Bedford
Inspirational Quotes From The Experts
“With every decade people get more reliable, more consistent, they stay loner within a membership, they are harder to recruit, but once you’ve got them, they stay” Dr Paul Bedford
“We need to become much better at delivering results rather than just giving people access to gym facilities – members who don’t see a relationship between the exercises they are doing, and their goals, stop doing those exercises, so we need to become much more RESULTS ORIENTATED with the exercises we prescribe to people”
Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show
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[Tweet “We have to become much better at delivering results @guru_paul”]
[Tweet “No one wants a gym membership, they want the RESULTS of a gym membership @guru_paul”]
[Tweet “Don’t interrupt members, INTERACT with them @guru_paul”]
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