24 Dec 032 Jodi Rumack – Discover The Power Of People In Your Fitness Business

Jodi Rumack is the President & CEO Personal Training Mentors, she is a guru when it comes to the power of people in your business.
During her career, Jodi has been a trainer, club opening specialist, service manager and a senior manager for personal training. She spent 9 years opening clubs, from 10,000-150,000 square feet, as well as managing her own group of clubs. Since 2005, she has interviewed, hired, trained and managed over 1000 Personal Trainers and Managers – so you can understand why we focus the interview on where to find great people and how to hire them, systems for choosing the right person plus her top tips for training and goal setting. If you have a team, or intend on building a great one, then this is a must listen interview for you.
Top Tips From The Show
Recruiting has moved towards hiring for attitude and personality first – before knowledge.
Create an interview process that is specific to the person you are looking to hire.
Consider your ‘absolutes’: what characteristics, skills and certifications you are looking for.
To ensure you keep great staff, you need to truly understand what motivates a particular individual.
Inspirational Quotes From The Experts
Create an interview process that is specific to the person you are looking to hire – Jodi Rumack
Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show
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[Tweet “When interviewing, always consider your ‘absolutes’ @JodiRumack”]
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