23 Mar 095 Chantal Brodrick – IHRSA 2017 Top Takeaways

If you follow our social media pages, then chances are you will have seen that I have just returned from a whirlwind trip to LA to attend IHRSA 2017.
IHRSA is the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association, and each year they hold an annual event in the US which includes over 100 education sessions and 350 exhibitors at the Trade Show.
Also this week, we are joined by Fitness PR Guru – Lisa Simone Richards to chat about her upcoming online summit called the Audience Attraction Formula, which teaches health, fitness and wellness entrepreneurs how to get new clients in the next 30 days.
You Will Learn
- Tips for making the most out of networking opportunities
- Resources to grow and improve your leadership skills
- Ideas to encourage member interaction in your fitness facility
- The importance of creating a content plan for your business
Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge
[Tweet “Gym owners should consider using virtual fitness technology to compliment their existing group fitness timetable @fitbizpodcast”]
[Tweet “Everyone at IHRSA was working towards a common goal of global health and wellness @fitbizpodcast”]
[Tweet “Next time you go to an event, arrive early and stay late to make the most of valuable networking opportunities @fitbizpodcast”]
[Tweet “How are we helping our members build relationships within our fitness facilities? @fitbizpodcast”]
Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show
Chantal Brodrick
Lisa Simone Richards
The Audience Attraction Formula
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How To Win Friends and Influence People In The Digital Age
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Show Sponsors
ABC Financial
One Fit Stop