517 Chad Bryant: 30 Days to Make a New Employee Soar

517 Chad Bryant: 30 Days to Make a New Employee Soar

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Chad Bryant is the owner of CWB Workplace Culture Consulting Company and the Fitness Director at Raintree Athletic Club. He is passionate about building authentic relationships and creating a positive workplace culture.

He emphasizes the importance of the first 30 days in cultivating an authentic relationship with new hires. He emphasizes the need to prioritize the health and culture of the company over smart policies and systems. By defining the company’s belief system, screening and hiring candidates who align with those beliefs, businesses can build a high-performing team. Chad also highlights the importance of measuring the success of on-boarding through turnover rates, member retention, and online reviews.

More About Our Guest

Chad Bryant founded the CWB Workplace Consulting Company in 2017. He’s also founder of the grass roots group, the Fort Collins Fitness Alliance. Chad previously served as a General Manager on the executive team of the largest privately-owned health club organization in Northern Colorado. Chad is passionate about employee engagement and workplace culture in the fitness industry. He lives with his wife, 2 daughters, dog, and 5 turtles in Fort Collins, Colorado.

what you’ll learn

Discover the key to building a high-performance team in your fitness business. Are you struggling to find highly engaged employees for your fitness business? Learn how to identify and attract the right candidates with Chad Bryant’s expert advice

  • What’s the key to building a high-performance team?
  • How do you find that highly engaged person, and what does process look like?
  • Once you make a job offer, what’s the on-boarding process like?
  • How do you measure the success of all this training during the on-boarding process?

Key Takeaways:

  • Define your company’s belief system and build your screening and interview system around identifying candidates who align with those beliefs.
  • Prioritize the health and culture of the company over smart policies and systems during the on-boarding process.
  • Assess a candidate’s attitude and actions to determine if they are aligned with the company’s beliefs and values.
  • Highly engaged team members are more powerful than disengaged or actively disengaged employees.
  • Measure the success of on-boarding through turnover rates, member retention, and online reviews.

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