Kate Ahl is the founder of Simple Pin Media. She has been helping businesses, of all kinds, discover, learn and master Pinterest marketing for over 7 years. Kate combines the data learned from working with clients, along with the education through Pinterest, and her knowledge of the platform to help people expand the reach of their businesses. Her mantra is keep it simple, be authentic and Pin with purpose.
Did someone say Pinterest for fitness marketing? That is exactly what Kate Ahl, from Simple Pin Media, talks about today in our episode. Kate will give you all of the inside information on “how to” use Pinterest as another social media platform to market your business and/or your brand. Once you get comfortable with the platform, all you need is a little time and a sprinkle of creativity can help you reach a whole new fitness market with hardly spending a dime.
Your Podcast Snapshot
What is Pinterest
How can your fitness business utilize Pinterest
Marketing content on Pinterest, what kind of content performs well
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