01 Nov 132 Mark Miller – Lessons A Fitness Business Manager Has Learned From Outside The Industry
Mark Miller is the Chief Operating Officer of Merritt Clubs with over 25 years of experience at the Senior Management level; Mr. Miller joined the Merritt Team in 2000 as Regional Fitness Director responsible for all Fitness, Programming and Operations. Since that time he has moved into the strategic role of COO.
In addition to running the Merritt Clubs, Mark speaks at several industry conferences, such as the IHRSA Institute, IHRSA international show, MACMA, NEHRSA, Club Industry and other shows locally and nationally. He trains and certifies other trainers, sits on a Round table of Executives as both a Chair and participant and writes for industry magazines, as well as consults for other clubs and operations.
Marks areas of expertise lies in Leadership and staff development, revenue generation through both sales and non dues revenue programming, strategic operations and systems development to name a few. He is adept at cultural development and structure and is dedicated to providing and ensuring organizational health and success through proper employee development, cultural and service design.
During this weeks show we discuss the danger of only learning from people in our industry, applying outside lessons into a fitness business and Mark shares tips on staying up to date with what’s happening outside the industry.
What you’ll learn
- Important innovations from outside the fitness industry
- Applying outside lessons into a fitness business
- Tips for staying up to date with what’s happening outside the industry
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Resources shared in the show
Mark Miller
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://merrittclubs.com/
Twitter: @MerrittClubs
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