Darren Shaw is the owner and manager of CrossFit Ignite, a Sydney based CrossFit Box. The business started in 2002, but have been using CrossFit principals since 2007. Darren is an experienced trainer and is known for taking no bullshit excuses. He also happens to be an excellent marketer, he has an in depth knowledge of his target audience, he knows where to find them and how to speak to them.
We ask Darren three questions:
How is a CrossFit box different to a normal gym?
What’s your marketing strategy?
What are your 3 tips for building an online marketing strategy?
Also in this weeks show, Podcast sponsor, Active Management talks about a very cool lead generation tool PLUS we hear about a membership group that every fitness business owner should be a part of! But wait there’s more…Thanks to Active Management, you also have the chance to WIN a copy of the Powerful Insights E-Book featuring Joe Cirulli. Listen in for details on how you can WIN!
Top Tips From The Show
Blogging should be like the conversations you’re having with your clients every day in the business.
Consumers go online to seek answers to their problems or questions, if you are blogging regularly, then there’s more chance you and your prospect will find each other.
When you’re blogging, write like your talking to a mate, make it conversational.
Understand your customer better by surveying them every 12 – 18 months, use what you learn to help create your Avatar.
Its also important to understand who our clients are but also who they aren’t!
Consider a clients lifecycle with you, and if there is a way you can connect with them before they start training with you, as well as after they finish training in your facility.
Inspirational Quotes From The Experts
“The old school Rolodex is the equivalent to todays digital client list” Darren Shaw CrossFit Ignite
“If you are blogging regularly, then there’s more chance you and your prospect will find each other” Darren Shaw CrossFit Ignite
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