11 Dec 030 Molly Kemmer – Leading The Way For Women In Fitness

Molly Kemmer is the Regional Director of EXOS MediFit and the Chairperson of IHRSA. Molly has a wealth of experience in the fitness industry and has spent the past three and a half years working with EXOS Medifit, a business that provides fitness center management, design, innovation, and performance solutions. They work with clients including leading corporations, academic institutions, health systems, elite athletes, sports teams, the U.S. military, community centers, residential communities and specialty recreational facilities.
During the interview, we chat to Molly about Women in Leadership roles, the importance of working with a mentor or coach, the role that experience plays in long term success and advice for new people starting in the industry. Molly also shares advice on how to succeed in your company and career.
Top Tips From The Show
When looking for a business coach, make sure you interview them to ensure they have the same values and ethics as you.
If you are willing to do what it takes to set and accomplish goals, then its worth the investment in a business coach or business group to support you.
Always look within your organization for support. Are there opportunities for further education or courses that you can take advantage of?
If an opportunity is extended to you, say YES! Go for it! If given a chance – take it.
Surround yourself with people that are better than you. They will raise you to another level, ask them to challenge you and you will grow.
Inspirational Quotes From The Experts
“Women in the fitness industry are finding our own voice” Molly Kemmer
“Attitude is a decision, the choice to be excellent today is what leads to opportunities in the future” Molly Kemmer
Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show
Molly Kemmer
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Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge To #GROW
[Tweet “Our industry is at a peak of maturation @MollyKemmer”]
[Tweet “Women in the fitness industry are finding their own voice @MollyKemmer”]
[Tweet “REX Roundtables is a sacred place and a place of trust @MollyKemmer”]
[Tweet “To improve & grow, challenge yourself to do things that aren’t so comfortable @MollyKemmer”]
[Tweet “The choice to be excellent today is what leads to opportunities in the future @MollyKemmer”]
[Tweet “We need to make fitness easy, accessible, fun and rewarding for people @MollyKemmer”]
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