04 Dec 029 Amy Dixon – How To Build An Award Winning Fitness Empire

Amy Dixon holds multiple fitness certifications and a Bachelor of Science degree in exercise physiology. She’s a Master Trainer for FitnessGlo®, Gatorade®, Schwinn® Cycling, BOSU® and Shockwave®, and a spokesperson for Avon’s breast cancer walks and Reebok’s Global Walking Partner.
She’s the National Creative Manager for Group Fitness at Equinox Fitness Clubs and Director of THE Force at Vimmia. Her many television and media appearances include Oprah’s OWN Show, The Today Show, Women’s Health, Shape and The Los Angeles Times. And if all that’s not enough – she just got named the IDEA Fitness Instructor of the Year for 2015!
During the interview we chat to Amy about her first big break, keys to building a great brand, the importance of social media and what advice she has for others who want to grow their profile and build a fitness empire.
Top Tips From The Show
- Making sure you are ahead of the game often means hiring experts to help you along the way.
- It’s important to form relationships with companies that align with your own personal brand in someway.
- One of the challenges these days is competing against people and businesses that offer free content, its important to be strategic and work out what to give away for free versus what you can sell.
- Always be aware of your competition, and always think about what you can do that’s different, but still be authentic to your brand.
- Don’t underestimate the importance of a support network, you have the opportunity to grow by surrounding yourself with the right people and companies.
Inspirational Quotes From The Experts
“I would not be here without the mentors that have helped me get where I am” Amy Dixon
“ Be authentic to yourself, know what you want to do and figure out how to get there” Amy Dixon
Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show
Amy Dixon
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Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge To #GROW
[Tweet “I had a clear mindset that I wanted to build a brand @AmyDixonFitness”]
[Tweet “If you’re not authentic, people will know. Do something that you believe in @AmyDixonFitness”]
[Tweet “I have learnt from some of the best in the business @AmyDixonFitness”]
[Tweet “Surround yourself with people that you respect @AmyDixonFitness”]
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Music credit: Eurythmics and Aretha Franklin