350 Making Kids Programming Profitable with Simon Bungate

350 Making Kids Programming Profitable with Simon Bungate

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Simon Bungate is the Director of Clean Shred Transformation and Performance Center and a highly sought after power and speed coach.  Simon has had great success with track athletes reaching multiple Olympic games, Commonwealth games gold medalists, world champs gold medalist and youth fitness programs. This experience has lead Simon to work with many up and coming athletes and NRL Club West Tigers.

In 2016, he opened the state of the art facility: Clean Shred Transformation and Performance Center with a goal of impacting both elite athletes and the public through nutrition, mindset, movement and fun team style training sessions.

Looking for a creative way to bring residual income into your gym, group fitness or personal training program? Youth fitness is quickly growing as one of the top “add-on” programs in the fitness industry. With children becoming more sedentary, due to the pandemic, and parents looking for a way to get their child off the coach or away from the video games, now more than ever is the perfect time to start a youth fitness program. Listen to hear how Simon Bungate and his staff at Clean Shred have been able to achieve this success.

Your Podcast Snapshot

  • The success numbers of Simon’s youth athletic programming
  • Explosive 21 vs Shred Active
  • The marketing plan
  • Face to face sales assessments for the youth athletic program

Resources Our Experts Shared in the Show

Sacred Hoops: Spiritual Lessons of A Hardwood Warrior by Phil Jackson

Contact Today’s Guest

Simon Bungate

Website | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube 

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