30 Dec 332 Thinking Ahead: Exercise Is Medicine With Dr Bob Sallis

Dr. Sallis is a family physician practicing at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Fontana, California, where he serves as Co-Director of their Sports Medicine Fellowship program. He is a Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at the University of California, Riverside (UCR) School of Medicine. He is a Past-President of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and currently chairs Exercise is Medicine™, a joint initiative of ACSM and the American Medical Association. He also chaired the Healthcare Sector of the U.S. Physical Activity Plan and is the physician spokesperson for the “Every Body Walk!” campaign.
Show Summary
The medical industry is ready for the fitness industry but is the fitness industry ready to look after who they send to us? This is the question that Bob explores in the Thinking Ahead show.
As a practicing physician, Dr Bob Sallis has worked closely with the Claremont Club in California referring patients for years. He has seen the direct benefit to his patients and also the impact on the staff, other members and the community. The programs were profitable for the business and life changing, so we discuss what they did and why they worked.
As he looks into the future of the fitness industry, he is confident that gyms are a place to improve health but gyms have to be ready for the clientel.
We discuss:
- 3 non-negotiables fitness centres and gyms must provide to attract 80% of the population that are not in gyms.
- The human race is now paying the price for poor lifestyle choices and the fitness industry has the opportunity to shape future generations.
- Bob’s suggestion to market gyms