078 Emmett Williams – Technology News Every Fitness Professional Needs To Know

078 Emmett Williams – Technology News Every Fitness Professional Needs To Know

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emmett williams

Emmett Williams is an entrepreneur and leader in the health and fitness industry who has turned around an international marketing company located in Australia, built or purchased 7 health clubs, and helped create a commercial gym equipment distribution company.

Five years ago, Emmett relocated to the United States to co-found the international wearable technology start-up MYZONE INC.  For anyone thats not familiar with MYZONE,  it is a wearable heart rate based system that uses wireless and cloud technology to monitor physical activity.

As MYZONE approaches its 6th anniversary the business has progressed from a startup technology company to a market leader in the commercial fitness niche.

Emmett just a few weeks ago was entered into the Fitness Australia Roll of Honour.

During this interview, Emmett talks to us about technology – specifically how technology and data can come together to help drive customer connection, member engagement and growth for fitness business owners.

Top Tips From The Show


  • Technology is no longer tactical, it’s now strategic.
  • Technology either needs to help make money, save money or decrease the business risk.
  • Social influencers are becoming more and more impactful.
  • In the future we will see businesses using lead scoring which will enable you to go after the best and most relevant prospects.
  • You should be doing AB testing with your marketing to identify what most appeals to your target and to maximise your results.


Inspirational Quotes From The Experts


Technology either needs to help make money, save money or decrease the business risk – Emmett Williams

Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show


Emmett Williams

Book Recommended by QFF Ilana Wechsler
A Fine Balance
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

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REX Roundtables

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Show 31 – Casey Conrad

Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge To #STRENGTHEN


[Tweet “Technology is no longer tactical, it’s now strategic @myzonemoves”]

[Tweet “Usage of gym membership drives retention @myzonemoves”]

[Tweet “Social influencers are becoming more and more impactful @myzonemoves”]

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