29 Apr 049 Bill Moore – CEO of Fitness Australia Shares Branding, Customer, and Future Direction Insights

Bill Moore is the new CEO of Fitness Australia, he has an extensive background in the fitness industry, which started with the ownership of a strong independent fitness facility in the early 90’s and being involved in the foundation work and establishment of key principals that now underpin Fitness Australia.
More recently Bill was responsible for the development and successful running of the Michelle Bridges Group of Companies. Bill has a high level of experience and expertise in business development, operations and brand development.
During the interview we chatted about his goals for the business over the next 12 months, he shares some great tips on branding and the importance of truly knowing your customer.
Top Tips From The Show
You can have the best product in the world, but anonymity goes with it, if you don’t have a strong brand to support it.
You must have a crystal clear vision of who you are trying to reach – you must understand your customer.
People get tired of a product before they get tired of a brand, so protecting a brand is critical.
Your product needs to stay relevant to the audience you are targeting.
12WBT was successful because it met the mood of the audience very accurately.
Inspirational Quotes From The Experts
“There’s always more to learn” Bill Moore
“You must have a crystal clear vision of who you are trying to reach” Bill Moore
Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show
Bill Moore
Show Sponsors
REX Roundtables
Tribe Team Training
Shows Mentioned
Justin Tamsett – Show 22
Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge To #STRENGTHEN
[Tweet “My door is always open @fitnessorgau”]
[Tweet “I’ve got such rampant belief in this organization @fitnessorgau”]
[Tweet “There’s always more to learn @fitnessorgau“]
[Tweet “Life takes you to different places @fitnessorgau”]
[Tweet “I completely believe in what we do @fitnessorgau”]
[Tweet “Meet your market where they are @fitnessorgau”]
[Tweet “I want to cement our position as the peak national body @fitnessorgau”]
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