09 Mar 093 Andrew Watson – Running a Workplace Challenge

This week’s guest is Andrew Watson from the County Sports Partnership Network in the UK. The CSP Network is a nationwide group of 44 County Sports Partnerships (CSPs) which share a common goal of Improving Lives by Growing Grassroots Sport and Physical Activity.
You Will Learn
- The specific programs that appeal to a broad range of demographics
- Andrew’s results with the National Workplace Challenge
- Tips on how a fitness facility could establish and run your own workplace challenge
Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge
[Tweet “An open approach to fitness is where we can collectively have the greatest impact @CSPnetwork”]
[Tweet “We are less active now than in the 60s, costing the economy billions ever year @CSPnetwork”]
[Tweet “By helping people to be healthy and active we help them have better quality of life @CSPnetwork”]
[Tweet “Give employees opportunities so they can fit activity around their working day @CSPnetwork”]
Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show
Andrew Watson
Twitter – CSP
Twitter – Workplace Challenge
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Show Sponsors
ABC Financial