06 Apr 097 LA Gyms and Studios – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Part 2

FlyWheel, Orange Theory Fitness and Speedplay are this weeks featured studio visits. Take a listen as we experience all three facilities from a customer perspective and share with you some great features to consider for your own fitness space. We also finish with a few tips you can use, to check your fitness business is a hit and not a miss!
Here’s what you will learn in this weeks show:
- Qualities that create world class coaches
- Using Heart Rate monitors to engage with your members
- Email communication – who is doing it best?
- How you can make a big impact with a small floor space
Also this week we hear from Sue B Zimmerman on the Precor Quick Fire Five.
Tweetables – Share The Experts Knowledge
[Tweet “Boutique studios do online communication really well @JTActivemgmt“]
[Tweet “Your social media pages need to reflect the experience your customer has @fitbizpodcast“]
[Tweet “Big Box gyms can learn a lot from boutique studios about their retail offerings @JTActivemgmt“]
[Tweet “Encourage members to wear a heart rate monitor and use it as a way to connect with them! @fitbizpodcast“]
Resources Our Experts Shared In The Show
Justin Tamsett
Orange Theory Fitness
Ryan Vogt
Tri-City Court Club
Show Sponsors
Tribe Team Training