538 Are You Affirming Your Female Leaders? Strategies for Success and Storytelling Marketing

538 Are You Affirming Your Female Leaders? Strategies for Success and Storytelling Marketing

As a leader, are you doing everything you can to elevate women in leadership? This episode of the Fitness Business Podcast features insights from global female leaders Mel Tempest and Allison Flatley on elevating women in leadership and ownership roles within the fitness industry. The discussion covers current trends, the importance of empowering women to share their stories, and the need for supportive policies and professional development. The episode also highlights the power of storytelling in marketing, using examples like Mari Llewellyn’s Bloom Nutrition and Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign. Danielle Krischik shares a formula for creating captivating, relatable, and motivating stories to drive business results. Perfect for gym owners, fitness managers, and studio leaders seeking to improve their leadership skills, enhance their marketing strategies, and foster a more inclusive environment.


Mel Tempest collaborates with gym owners to deliver exceptional group fitness programming, consulting on innovation, marketing, technology, and fresh concepts. She works with AUSactive as a board member, HFA, Australian Fitness Business Expo and the Healthy Ageing Summit.

As the founder of Ignite Fitness Business Events, launched in 2019, she has hosted events globally. Her contributions during COVID-19 showcased her leadership, advocating for the industry through meetings with state leaders and media appearances. Mel’s career highlights include groundbreaking achievements, global recognition, and inspiring keynote addresses that empower fitness professionals worldwide.

Allison Flatley has been a leader in the health and fitness industry for over 30+ years. For 26 years, as an operator of clubs. In 2022, Allison started the first REX Roundtable for women leaders and in 2024, Allison started the first REX Pickleball Roundtable. Allison served on the IHRSA Board of Directors, as Nominations Committee Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. For 14 years, Allison shared her industry knowledge and experience as an adjunct professor at American University.

Danielle Krischik is a Partner and Chief Strategy Officer for Knight Agency as well as a speaker, author and award-winning Creative Director. She helps companies build belief, enable people and drive performance. Her ability to capture authentic voices and tell real stories helps organizations create connection between people and their work, their company and each other. Danielle’s speaking engagements and workshops help companies and people leaders understand the power of stories and learn how to be great storytellers at work.

key takeaways

  • Women’s Leadership: Gain insights on current trends and strategies to elevate women in leadership and ownership roles within your fitness business.
  • Storytelling for Marketing: Learn how to craft compelling transformation stories to connect with potential clients and drive membership sales, leveraging proven techniques for captivating and motivating audiences.
  • Inclusive Gym Culture: Discover the importance of supportive policies, professional development, and creating opportunities for women to share their experiences, fostering a more inclusive and thriving gym environment.

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Our favourite quotable moments:

“The more women hear other stories of other successful women, the more empowered they are.” – Allison Flatley

“Women [tend to] undervalue their contribution toward the industry.” – Mel Tempest

“There is no greater sales tool for a gym than a transformation story.” – Danielle Krischik


Wise words


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