25 Oct 131: IHRSA’s Chair Derek Gallup On Growing Your Club Revenue
Derek Gallup is the Chairman for IHRSA (effective 7/1) and Executive Vice President of Fitness for New Evolution Ventures. He works with several different brands including Crunch, UFC Gyms, Steve Nash Sports Clubs. Derek has 23 years in the fitness industry and has worked with other brands on Fitness and Retail including Hard Candy Fitness, A-Rod Energy Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness, Yoga Works and Gold’s Gym. During the show Derek tells us what’s on the IHRSA agenda for the next 12 months, how to grow the PT revenue in your club and he shares tips for growing retail income line on your P&L.
What you’ll learn
- Whats on the IHRSA agenda for the next 12 months?
- How to grow the PT revenue in your club
- Tips for growing retail income line on your P&L
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Resources shared in the show
Derek Gallup | New Evolution Ventures
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.crunch.com/
Facebook | Instagram
http://www.phitamerica.org/ Leglislation/PHIT_Act.htm
http://hub.ihrsa.org/ihrsa- 2018
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